
Welcome to the Planning and Regulatory Services Department's eAlerts. If you would like to subscribe to these alerts so you are notified each time a new alert is issued click the Subscribe link below.


Number 193: 4 October 2024

Update: Draft Ipswich Plan 2024 (including draft LGIP 2024)

Approval of the draft Ipswich Plan 2024 (including the draft LGIP 2024) was not received from the state government prior to it entering the pre-election caretaker period.

Council will continue to engage with the state government post-election.

The anticipated adoption and commencement date of Ipswich Plan 2024 (including the LGIP) cannot be confirmed at this stage. A further update will be provided when available.

Thank you for your continued interest in this important project and in shaping the future of our City.

Number 192: 1 August 2024

Annual Activity Report Card

This is the latest Annual Activity Report which snapshots Development Applications Lodged and Determined, together with information on a variety of Regulatory functions which have occurred in the Ipswich City Council area during the 2023-2024 financial year.

The report can be viewed here.

Number 191: 1 August 2024

Quarterly Activity Report

This is the latest Quarterly Activity Report which snapshots Development Applications Lodged and Determined, together with information on a variety of Regulatory functions which have occurred in the Ipswich City Council area.

The full snapshot can be viewed here.

Number 190: 1 July 2024

Adoption of the Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024

Ipswich City Council (council) has adopted the Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024, effective on and from 1 July 2024.

The purpose of the Ipswich Adopted Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024 is to:

  • replace the Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023, including indexation to March 2024;
  • state the adopted charges for providing the local government trunk infrastructure networks; and
  • state the levied charges to be levied by the local government for development for the demand placed on the local government trunk infrastructure networks.

The Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024, as well as previous versions, are available on council’s website at Ipswichplanning.com.au/planning-documents/planning-scheme

For further information, please contact council’s Planning and Regulatory Services Department, City Design Branch on (07) 3810 6251.

Number 189: 1 July 2024

Register of Fees and Charges (2024-2025)

Ipswich City Council has adopted a new fee structure for the new financial year which includes changes to the fees applicable for development, operational works, building and plumbing applications, and health and regulatory services fees.

This document can be located here.

Number 188: 20 June 2024

Ripley Valley PDA Application/Lodgement Form Now Available

The new ‘Ripley PDA Application/Lodgement Form’ is now available. This form is for use with lodgement of all applications in the Ripley Valley Priority Development Area and is available from Ipswich City Council’s Ipswich Planning website.

Please note that this is an update and correction to the previously advised link detailed in eAlert 187 dated 14 June 2024.

Number 187: 14 June 2024

New Ripley Valley PDA Application/Lodgement Form

Ipswich City Council (council) officers recently undertook extensive consultation with both internal and external stakeholders (EDQ and the Development Industry) to obtain constructive feedback on experiences and/or challenges that are being faced with developments in the Ripley Valley Priority Development Area (PDA). The findings of this consultation have now been analysed, validated and used to inform the creation of a ‘RVPDA Improvement Plan’ (Improvement Plan). It is important to note that the Improvement Plan focuses not only on areas of improvement for council, but also areas that the development industry can improve upon in order for council to facilitate the desired quicker and more efficient development assessment process.

As part of the Improvement Plan, a new ‘Ripley PDA Application/Lodgement Form’ (Form) has been prepared and will be published on council’s Planning and Development website for use with lodgement of all applications in the Ripley Valley PDA. This form will be available for use from Monday 17 June 2024.

The new Form will replace the existing ‘Engineering Certification Form – EDQ’ and is to be used for all applications and/or lodgements in the Ripley Valley PDA, including planning applications through to plan sealing applications. Please note that from Monday 17 June 2024 onwards, the Form and all plans, documents and fees indicated on the Form as 'mandatory supporting information' must be submitted for the application to be accepted. When naming the 'mandatory supporting information' attachments, please name as they appear on the Form e.g. PDA Form – Application for Compliance Assessment, Certification Deed Poll – Project Coordinator, Supporting Plans, Supporting Documents, etc.

Council is hopeful that this new form will contribute towards significant overall improved efficiencies for developments in the Ripley Valley PDA. Once again, as an organisation we are strongly committed to a continued open/honest working relationship with the Development Industry and we trust that the Industry will work collaboratively with council staff moving forward in order to ensure the Ripley Valley PDA Improvement Plan is successful.

Number 186: 6 June 2024

$350 million Incentivising Infill Development Fund opens 10 June 2024

A new $350 million Incentivising Infill Development Fund is about to open, being an initiative of the State government under Homes for Queenslanders to encourage new residential development in well-located areas.

The fund will provide relief from infrastructure charges for market-ready development to unlock more homes for Queenslanders.

To qualify for funding, proposals must demonstrate returns to the Queensland community by facilitating more diverse, more affordable and well-located housing options.

Applications open on 10 June 2024 to landowners, development proponents, and authorised representatives of landowners such as planning consultants and development managers.

Find out more about the process, check eligibility and read the Guidelines.

Please contact the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works IIDFund@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au if you have queries about the fund or application process.

Number 185: 1 May 2024

Quarterly Activity Report

This is the latest Quarterly Activity Report which snapshots Development Applications Lodged and Determined, together with information on a variety of Regulatory functions which have occurred in the Ipswich City Council area.

The full snapshot can be viewed here.

Number 184: 18 March 2024

Ipswich Plan 2024: Update

Ipswich City Council (council) is in the process of preparing a new planning scheme, Ipswich Plan 2024, to help plan for the future of our growing city.

The draft Ipswich Plan 2024 was shared with the community from 15 May to 16 July 2023 and the draft Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) from 12 June to 25 July 2023.

The draft Ipswich Plan 2024 received significant interest from the community with 506 submissions received and a further 35 submissions on the draft LGIP.

Council has reviewed the submissions received and has prepared a public consultation report.

If a person or organisation has lodged a submission on the draft Ipswich Plan 2024, draft LGIP or proposed ‘planning change’ (draft Feasible Alternatives Assessment Report (FAAR)) they will soon receive a letter from council directing them to the Submissions Portal where they will be able to access their personal response by using their unique reference number provided in the letter from council.

The draft Ipswich Plan 2024, including supporting mapping, has been amended in response to submissions received. Most of the revisions made are related to clarification improvements, minor updates and minor corrections.

Council has sent the revised plan to the State Government for final review and expects it to come into effect later in 2024, pending State Government and final council approval.

Following State Government and council final approval of the Ipswich Plan 2024, the planning scheme, mapping and associated property report information will be updated online.

Follow the progress of the Ipswich Plan 2024 on the Shape Your Ipswich page and register for project updates.

Number 183: 7 March 2024

Ipswich City Council – Electrical Specifications

Ipswich City Council has released an updated version of the Ipswich City Council Electrical Specifications.

The Electrical Specifications for Parks and Facilities document is available to download.

To obtain a copy, please visit ipswichplanning.com.au/planning-documents/technical-specifications.

Number 182: 30 January 2024

Quarterly Activity Report

This is the latest Quarterly Activity Report which snapshots Development Applications Lodged and Determined, together with information on a variety of Regulatory functions which have occurred in the Ipswich City Council area.

The full snapshot can be viewed here.

Number 181: 11 December 2023

Local Government Infrastructure Plan, LGIP 2024 – Public Submission Report

Council has completed the review of all submissions received on the LGIP 2024 and has endorsed the LGIP 2024, with changes, for Minister’s consideration on 7 December 2023.

A Public Submission Summary has been prepared to provide a summary of the key points raised in each submission. The summary also details individual reviewer comments and outlines the proposed actions and action details.

The changes made in response to submissions are minor in nature and do not result in the proposed LGIP being significantly different to the version released for public consultation.

To view the Public Submission Summary, go to Shapeyouripswich.com.au

If you have any questions about the LGIP 2024 you can contact Council on (07) 3810 6666 or email planningscheme@ipswich.qld.gov.au, or visit Council’s Concierge Reception Area at 1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich.

Number 180: 11 December 2023

Temporary Local Planning Instrument No. 1 of 2023 (Resource Recovery and Waste Activity Regulation)

On 28 November 2023, Council adopted Temporary Local Planning Instrument No. 1 of 2023 (Resource Recovery and Waste Activity Regulation), in accordance with section 23 of the Planning Act 2016 and Minister’s Guidelines and Rules.

The purpose of the temporary local planning instrument (TLPI) is to regulate resource recovery and waste activity uses within the Swanbank/New Chum and Ebenezer/Willowbank/Jeebropilly Regulation Areas to ensure these regionally significant economic areas are appropriately regulated to protect existing, approved or planned sensitive land uses from adverse impacts associated with waste activities.

The TLPI takes effect on and from 11 December 2023 and suspends and otherwise affects the operation of the provisions contained in the Ipswich Planning Scheme 2006 to the extent of matters regulated in the TLPI.

Further information is available by contacting Council’s Planning and Regulatory Services Department on (07) 3810 6888 or emailing plandev@ipswich.qld.gov.au.

Number 179: 27 November 2023

Reminder assessment process for Rate 3 Streetlighting Applications within the Ripley PDA

Council, as the MEDQ delegate, would like to remind the development industry that effective 11 February 2022, rather than being assessed through an Operational Works Application or solely through the Pre-Construction Certification Process, Rate 3 Streetlighting for a development site within the Ripley PDA must be lodged and assessed through the Compliance Assessment process. Please refer to Schedule 1 of the 'Ripley Valley Urban Development Area — Development Scheme' which states that Rate 3 Streetlighting is considered Exempt Development from an Operational Works Application perspective when the works are consistent with an approved plan of development.

Please note that the application lodgment, construction and post construct stages of the delivery of Rate 3 Streetlighting must follow the processes outlined in the relevant development approval Compliance Assessment Condition and the Certification Procedures Manual (CPM), which includes, among other things, the completion of relevant application forms, certification deed polls, certification forms and other documentation that is required under the State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Economic Development Queensland framework. The CPM, deed polls and other forms that are required as part of the compliance assessment and that are listed in the CPM can be downloaded below.

EDQ Certification Process

MEDQ Compliance Assessment Form

Ipswich City Council Engineering Certification Form

Non-complex single staged residential subdivisions, a combined compliance assessment and pre-construction application submission can be made to council.

Council will be unable to accept any new applications that are located within the Ripley PDA that are accompanied by a DA Form 1 which is subject to the requirements of the Planning Act 2016. Outside the Ripley PDA and within the balance of the Ipswich City Council area, Operational Works Applications for Rate 3 Streetlighting can still be made and will be accepted. Current Operational Works Applications within the PDA that have been lodged with council will continue to be processed as per normal.

Please contact council’s Engineering Health and Environment Branch on 3810 6666 if there are any questions relating to this.

Number 178: 2 November 2023

Quarterly Activity Report

This is the latest Quarterly Activity Report which snapshots Development Applications Lodged and Determined, together with information on a variety of Regulatory functions which have occurred in the Ipswich City Council area.

The full snapshot can be viewed here.

Number 177: 8 September 2023

Planning and Regulatory Services Recruitment Update

The Planning and Regulatory Services Department are currently recruiting several positions including the Manager, City Design Role and the Manager, Development Planning Roles.  These vacancies have been created owing the appointment of Brett Davey to the role of General Manager, Planning and Regulatory Services which has resulted in the vacancy and an adjustment of existing positions.

In addition, recruitment has commenced for a number of dedicated positions to focus on development activity in the Ripley PDA.  These positions include one Principal Planner (Ripley PDA) and two Principal Engineers (Ripley PDA) which will form the backbone of a new dedicated Ripley Team.  We anticipate that this team will be able to focus some much-needed attention on the PDA which will in turn benefit the rest of our planning and engineering staff by freeing them up to focus on the balance of the city.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please check out our careers webpage.