Making a Submission About An Application

A submission may be made for all development applications currently under assessment.  If an application is undergoing a formal Public Notification process, the application is impact assessable. For a submission about a development application to be considered a “properly made submission”, it must be made to (and received by) Council during the notification period.

The submission must:

  • include the name and residential or business address of each person who made the submission;
  • include the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds;
  • be made to the assessment manager; and
  • be in writing and signed by each person who made the submission.
  • If the submission is made on behalf of a number of submitters, it must also include a postal or email address that can be used for correspondence relating to the submission

    A submission can be made online via the below form

    Alternatively, submissions may sent via email to, lodged in person on the Ground Floor, 1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich or posted to Ipswich City Council, PO Box 191, Ipswich QLD 4305. If an application is ‘code assessable’, there is no formal public notification process or associated appeal rights. Notwithstanding, a submission can still be considered in the assessment of the application.