Engineering, Health and Environment

Information Index

Book a Pre-lodgement Meeting for Operational Works Applications

Engineering, Health and Environment Branch now offer pre-lodgement meetings and are intended to discuss a particular operational works proposal for a specific site in detail. The purpose is to reduce the assessment timeframes by identifying likely ‘information request’ items, which can be addressed prior to application lodgement or resolve complex or non-standard engineering design.  Pre-lodgement meetings should be held once you have formulated an operational works proposal which you feel is compliant with the conditions of approval, Council policies and standards.  Proposal details, including proposal plans, should be sent to the officer holding the pre-lodgement meeting a week before the meeting to give the officer a chance to adequately prepare for the meeting.  If there are particular issues you wish to discuss in the meeting ensure you make these clear to the engineering officer prior to the meeting.  It should be noted that a number of Council officers from different branches or departments may be required to provide information for the meeting, so the earlier the proposal details are provided, the more beneficial the meeting will be.  Again, pre-lodgement meeting should not be substituted for independent professional advice or a comprehensive due diligence process.

Council is contactable in a number of ways:


Correspondence addressed to:

Ipswich City Council
(Attn: Planning and Regulatory Services Department)
PO Box 191

Telephone: (07) 3810 6888
To request a pre-lodgement meeting, call (07) 3810 6888 or complete an online request here.

Please be advised that the Planning and Regulatory Services Department have electronic facilities available in our meeting rooms with up to date aerial photography and information on services and constraints. These facilities can be useful in presenting and analysing information in respect to development sites and development proposals.

Evidence of the Possession of Site

At all pre-start meetings there is detailed information required by Council's Planning Scheme Policy 3 – General Works Part 5 – General Construction Section 5.2.2(1) – Prerequisites and concerning "Evidence of the Possession of Site" granted to the nominated representative (in accordance with AS2124).

In order to comply with these pre-start requirements, the applicant is required to return the "Response to Prestart Information – Nomination of Responsibilities" form below either in person at the pre-start meeting with Council officers, or by email to

Urban Utilities

From 1 July 2014, Urban Utilities will be responsible for receiving, assessing, providing advice and approving applications for connections, disconnections and alterations to their water and sewerage networks, instead of Council in most instances.  As such, customers will need to apply directly to Urban Utilities for water and sewerage connections, disconnections and alterations.

This change has resulted from the Water Supply Service Legislation Amendment Act 2014 recently passed by the Queensland Parliament.  The intention of the new legislation is to streamline the approval process for water and sewerage connections.

If you've got an existing development approval or application lodged with Ipswich City Council please refer to Urban Utilities' website for a copy of their fact sheet on the transitional arrangements for connecting to water and sewerage services. For further information and fact sheets visit or contact the Urban Utilities' Development Services Customer Team directly on (07) 3432 2200.

Ripley Valley Self Certification Process

The purpose of the Certification Procedures Manual is to ensure the satisfactory certification and construction of works in accordance with nominated standards as identified in a Priority Development Area (PDA) development condition.

The Certification Procedures Manual removes the need for a PDA development application to be made for operational works, if Ipswich City Council (ICC) has granted a PDA development approval with conditions (such as for a material change of use or reconfiguring a lot) that set a Nominated Assessing Authority (NAA) and standards to be complied with. As well, the certification process can be used for other requirements of PDA development conditions, such as landscaping works, infrastructure plans etc, again, where the condition states a NAA and standards to be complied with.

The EDQ Certification Procedures Manual and corresponding forms and deeds will remain applicable to and to be used for construction activities. However, in order to assist Council in maintaining efficient and streamline lodgement processes an additional ICC form has been created and should be completed and lodged in addition to other EDQ Submission Forms.

For further information on the Self Certification process and forms please see the Self Certification Process on the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning website.

Voluntary Offset Policy - Water Quality Nutrient Offset

On 20 September 2011 Council adopted Implementation Guideline No. 24 Stormwater Management (PDF, 3.5 MB). This guideline is intended to assist with the implementation of the Planning Scheme by providing guidance for the management of stormwater run-off as a resource.

These guidelines compliment other information available that support Total Water Cycle Management (TWCM) planning through the provision of specific guidance for flood and disaster management, water way health objectives and acceptable outcomes for development. Council's Implementation Guidelines are intended to apply a standard approach to the interpretation and implementation of the relevant aspects of the Ipswich Planning Scheme.

ADAC (As Design As Constructed) As-Constructed Information

As-Constructed Submission

On completion of physical works and prior to the On Maintenance Inspection, the “As-Constructed Information” is to be provided to Council. This information and engineering data is used to confirm the quality of works, as well as verifying asset locations and alignments (survey). The As-Constructed Information is also used to confirm approved changes in asset types or construction methods that may have been carried out during the construction phase when compared to the originally approved design.

The final “As-Constructed” drawings and digital data should accurately reflect material types, specifications and other asset-specific information. In summary, the As-Constructed package will routinely include:

  • The marked-up and redlined Council-Approved Design Plan(s) provided as PDF digital files;
  • Clean “As-Constructed” plans provided in both DWG and PDF digital file formats;
  • An accompanying compliant version 5.0.1 ADAC XML Digital File that aligns exactly with the information shown in the clean “As-Constructed” plan(s). Please see further information and relevant guidelines on preparing compliant ADAC XML files here;
  • CCTV files and information provided in accordance with the relevant approvals.
  • For Developments that were approved prior to July 1st 2021 a grace period exists by which the As-Constructed information is able to be delivered under the previous Planning Scheme Policy requirements, please see Appendix 2 of Planning Scheme Policy 2 (PSP2) and Appendix 4 of Planning Scheme Policy 3(PSP) for details.

As-Constructed Drawings

The Approved Plans are to be clearly marked up (red-lined) showing all variations from design including changes to levels, alignments and material types. Marked-up design drawings are to be clearly stamped “As-Constructed” and noted as the As-Constructed version in the revision title block.

Clean As-Constructed drawings are to be prepared in “plan view” and provided to Council in both CAD (.dwg) and PDF file formats being printable to A3 size.   The presentation and content of clean As-Constructed drawing submissions is to be completed in accordance with Council’s requirements.  Further information on the preparation of drawings is available here.   A sample drawing template (.dwg format) to assist providers with the creation of clean As-Constructed drawings can be downloaded here.

Signed Certifications are to be completed on each and all pages of the submitted drawings by the qualified Civil Engineer (RPEQ) and the Registered Surveyor.  Respective certifications are the professional confirmation of the overall engineering integrity, conformance and design intent along with the locational accuracy with regard to physical features and assets, noted levels, cadastral arrangements and the included survey datum information.

ADAC - Asset Design As Constructed

A compliant version 5.0.1 ADAC XML file is required to be submitted for all Developments approved post 1st July 2021 as an accompaniment to the As-Constructed bundle of information. The ADAC XML data is to be derived from and must align with the corresponding As-Constructed drawing(s).

On acceptance of the “As-Constructed” bundle of information, Council will undertake data format and conformance checks on the ADAC XML file to confirm the completeness and validity of the information and conformance of the details with the accompanying As-Constructed drawing(s).

Should significant anomalies, errors or missing information be identified during these checks, the ADAC XML file(s) will be returned to the provider for correction and resubmission potentially delaying the progress of the “On-Maintenance” process and asset handover.

Please see further information and relevant guidelines on preparing compliant ADAC XML files HERE.

Financial Apportionment Form and Instructions

Council requires the Financial Apportionment Form to capitalise contributed assets in Council's financial system. The form below is to be completed by the Consultant prior to the development being accepted as "on maintenance."

Should you have any questions regarding any of the information on this page please contact the Engineering, Health and Environment Branch on telephone number (07) 3810 6666.

Build Over/Near Relevant Ipswich City Council Infrastructure or Easement

The Building and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 (BOLA) received Royal Assent on 13 August 2013. The BOLA will remove the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008. The requirement for private building certifier to ensure that consent has been obtained from a service provider before approving building work over or near the service provider's infrastructure.

From 1 November 2013, building work over or near relevant infrastructure must be assessed against Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 1.4 (MP 1.4) 'Building over or near infrastructure'.

The Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 prescribes relevant service providers as a concurrence agency for the purpose of referrals for MP 1.4 when the proposed work does not comply with the acceptable solutions of the code or is for an applicable class 2-9 building. Urban Utilities is the concurrence agency in the Ipswich local government area for water and sewer referrals under MP 1.4. Information regarding these changes can be given by Urban Utilities on 13 26 57.

Ipswich City Council remains the referral agency for stormwater drains under MP 1.4. Below is a copy of the relevant form for Building Over/Near Relevant Ipswich City Council Infrastructure or Easement.

Traffic Signal Approval Process

As part of an implementation from the March 2018 Engineering & Environment Industry Forum it was agreed to include a copy of Council’s Traffic Signal Approval Process. This process can be found by clicking on the below link:-