Quarterly Activity Report December 2024
23rd of January 2025
The quarterly activity report provides a snapshot of Planning and Regulatory Services activities for the December quarter 2024.
Council’s Planning and Regulatory Services (PRS) Department is the lead agency in the Ipswich community for managing growth and development in order to create a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable environment that:
- Meets the community’s housing needs
- Integrates land use and transport needs
- Creates jobs and supports overall economic development
- Delivers appropriate infrastructure and community services
- Protects valuable features such as places of culture heritage significance and important natural environment areas
- Enhances and protects the health, environment and safety of the City
The department’s core activities include:
- Preparing and implementing plans, strategies and policies to ensure integrated and sustainable development outcomes for the City as a whole and within specific local areas
- Identifying, protecting and promoting places of cultural heritage significance and streetscape value
- Identifying and protecting important natural environment areas through appropriate planning scheme mechanisms and development assessment processes
- Maintaining an appropriate and efficient regulatory environment for development assessment, building and plumbing compliance.
- Coordinates and delivers proactive patrols and responses to a diverse range of compliance matters for Ipswich including but not limited to parking, environmental health and protection, overgrown land and dangerous structures.
- Management of patrols and responses relating to domestic animals and livestock across the Ipswich community, including registration, nuisance complaints, animal investigations, and the management of Regulated Dogs.
- Delivery of immunisation programs to community clinics and high schools.
- Management of the contract and outputs for Ipswich cemeteries in the City.
The PRS Department’s activities are delivered through a centralised administration and business support section and four (4) Branches:‐
- City Design
- Compliance
- Development Planning
- Engineering, Health and Environment
This Development Activity Report profiles the volume and composition of development related activity within the Ipswich Local Government Area for the October to December quarter of 2024, referred to in this document as the December 2024 quarter.